About Vaping | Orlando | Kissimmee | Waterford
This is an educational page designed to provide up-to-date information on electronic cigarette technology and potential safety issues surrounding them. There are a large number of myths surrounding the new technology presented by electronic cigarettes, and we aim to separate myth from fact.
Myths and Misinformation
It is a common misconception that electronic cigarettes offer flavored e-fluid in order to attract adolescent users, and that e-cigarettes are sold to kids to get them to smoke. Neither of these are true, as the industry advocates proper labeling and encourages retailers to check valid government IDs of customers. A recent industry study indicates that the average purchaser of electronic cigarettes is 44 years old. Another shows that the average product price is about $100, which should not be affordable on the allowance of any child taught proper fiscal responsibility.
Electronic cigarettes are well studied by agencies all around the world. Ingredient lists are readily available, and though different manufacturers use up to as many as 20 different ingredients including nicotine, they are all regarded as more or less safe for human consumption as long as ingested in moderation and in accordance with the labeling on the product sold.
By contrast, tobacco smoke contains up to 4,000 ingredients, some of which are known to be highly toxic even at the extremely low doses present in tobacco smoke. More than 70 of these chemicals are known carcinogens, or chemicals which are known to cause cancer. Though some of them do have legitimate industrial uses, they have no business being present in your lungs. NiCad batteries contain Nickel and Cadmium, which when combined are able to hold an electric charge, but the Cadmium levels present in tobacco smoke prevents our cells from repairing damaged DNA.
The average smoker in the United States consumed between 14 and 21 mg (milligrams) of nicotine every day, the average being 13.9 cigarettes per day. Traditional Nicotine Replacement Therapy products, like, patches, gum, and lozenges, recommend consumption of between 6 and 48 mg of Nicotine each day. By comparison, the cartridge of an electronic cigarette, depending on manufacturer and how the cartridge is constructed, produces from no to 16 mgs of nicotine when fully consumed by an average of 300 puffs. One recent study suggests that the average electronic cigarette user takes an average of 62.8 puffs of nicotine per day. This adds up to someone consuming an average of 3.36 mgs of nicotine per day, which is far less than the amounts consumed by users of other products.
E-Cigarettes Orlando
- E-Liquid (15 ML) (PG)
- E-Liquid (15 ML) (PG)
- E-Liquid (15 ML) (VG)
- E-Liquid (30 ML)(PG)
- E-Liquid (30 ML)(VG)
- E-Liquid USA (10 Ml) (High Caliber)
- E-Liquid USA (30 Ml) (High Caliber)
- Esmoker E-liquids (15Ml)
- Esmoker E-Liquid (30Ml)
- E-Liquid Sample Packs
- Liqua E-LiquidFlavorz By Joe
- Joye eRoll
- Ovale Elips
- Joye Ego-C
- Joye 510
- Joye 510-T (Tank)
- Joye Ego
- Joye EgO XL (1000 Mah)
- Joye Ego-T
- Joye Super EGO
- Joye 510 Mega Kit Series
- Esmoker 510 Travel Kit
- E-Cigarette Starter Kits
- ES 400 (Esmoker 400)
- eCab eCig
- Atomizers
- Cartomizers
- Clearomizers
- E-Cigarette Cartridges
- E-Cigarette Batteries
- Drip Tips
- E-Cigarette Chargers and Ecig cases
- Empty Bottles and DIY Supplies
- Joye 510 Joye Ego Passthroughs
- Disposable E-Cigs